Vision & Values

We exist to see the Gospel transform people into Spirit-filled disciples, who know they are the beloved of God, because of Christ alone.

The message of the Gospel permeates everything we do. The ‘gospel’ is the good news that through Jesus Christ, the power of God’s kingdom has entered history to redeem us from our sins and to renew the whole world.  In Jesus, God became man, lived a perfect life and died a sacrificial death on the cross. In his death, he took our place, paid the penalty for our sins and experienced the holy wrath of God. After he was buried, he rose victoriously from the grave on the third day, and ascended to the right hand of God where he reigns.  This resurrection guarantees that those who believe in Jesus would receive the righteous rewards of his perfect life. The plan of redemption and renewal was hatched in the heart of God. Instead of being a slave to religious requirements the believer is now free to live for God in light of his love – we do not work in order to be loved; we desire to become more like Jesus because we are loved.  Gospel-centeredness is fundamental to each of our core values of worship, discipleship, community and missions.

Gospel-Centered Worship: Prayerful Worship describes the right response to the gracious work that Jesus accomplished on the cross. Because we are now the beloved of God because of Christ alone, our hearts long to be near to the Father through communicating with him in prayer. In view of the fact that we are now adopted sons and daughters, we desire to live every day of our lives in gratitude and praise to the Lord. As we live in thanksgiving, our lives reflect the splendor of the transforming work of God who called us out of darkness into his marvelous light.
Gospel-Centered Discipleship: Word-filled Discipleship is the means by which a believer grows into Christian maturity. Our ministry flows from people who are in relationship with their God and seek authentic relationships with others. The Bible is the Word of God and is the essential instrument by which we become more like Christ. Jesus devoted the majority of his ministry to intimate times of teaching, rebuking and modeling. He demonstrated this process in discipling his twelve followers and even more specifically with an inner circle of three. This process occurred over three years, in which Jesus exhibited much patience and love in guiding his followers. By the power of the Holy Spirit of Jesus which resides in each believer, we are now encouraged to walk with one another in love as we sharpen each other through the Word of God.
Gospel-Centered Community: Grace-filled Community is the result when a group of followers of Jesus belong together as a family under the forgiveness and blessing of the cross. Our God is a relational God, having enjoyed the community and love within the Trinity. Part of being created in God’s image means that we are created to be in a living, dynamic relationship with God and with one another. This is realized when individuals feel free to be seen in their brokenness, confess their sins, and find healing in being reminded that we are forgiven in the good news of Christ. Such an authentic congregation seeks not only the well-being of its members but also the well-being of those around the community.
Gospel-Centered Missions: Everyday Mission is the outcome of a community of disciples reaching out personally and collectively to share the love of Christ in the specific context to which God has called them. As “sent-ones” we live on mission for God wherever we go and whatever we do. This endeavor affects every arena of our lives as we seek opportunities to share the love of Christ to everyone and in every way. Whether at home or abroad, we seek to bless others with the good news that we ourselves need to hear. It is not a form of superiority but a way to identify with the brokenness that is common to all humanity. Our goal of sharing is to make everyone aware of the goodness and mercy of God and give them an opportunity to receive. As they come to the Lord and are healed, God receives all the glory and fame.


Mike & fam at a member’s baby shower

Mike Yeh

Lead Pastor

Mike has been with Beloved Community Church since it was planted in September 2014. He received his B.S. and M.A. from Ohio State University, and his MDiv (’11) from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, IL. Mike is passionate about the preaching of God’s Word, heartfelt worship, and seeing the gospel redeem and transform lives. Mike cherishes his wife, Stephanie, and adores his three children, Noah, Jonah, and Gloria. They enjoy playing music together, laughing, playing board games and card games, and seeing Gloria grow every moment.


One of our greatest needs as a church plant is for financial partners who will invest into the Kingdom vision. Please prayerfully consider supporting us as missionaries to Chicago!

We have recently migrated to a new online giving provider, Planning Center Giving. It is our hope that using this service will be a better experience for our congregation. Additionally, this service offers significantly reduced processing fees on each donation, meaning more of your donation goes directly to the church.